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Description and Features
Trend Analysis is a web application developed for Citygate Global to help the financial organization analyse and visualise financial data consolidated from all of its branch offices across Nigeria. Trend Analysis allows users (company staff) to access different parts of the application based on their roles, with the most sensitive parts reserved for management-level officers.
The features include:
A section allowing branch offices to record financial data. (This is necessary, as the main banking system does not support integrations with third-party apps)
Step-based verification of the financial data, first by the Area Managers and then by the General Manager's office.
Chart visualisation, allowing users to select the financial data they want to see in line charts, including the specific branch offices, regions, etc. they are interested in visualising.
Data analysis, providing users with analyses of financial data, including best-performing branches, best and worst months and growth rates between months, quarters and year half.
Record review sections, allowing branch offices to review data referred back by the Area Managers or General Manager's office for corrections.
Logs, allowing auditors to view activities performed on the application by all branch offices and staff.
The software is only accessible via URL and is not indexed in search engines.
Technologies Used
Django REST Framework
Tools and Frameworks
VS Code
Documentation and Diagrams
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