My Website

My Website

Type: Portfolio, Website
For: Seye Ogunnowo
My Role: Sole Developer
Status: Active

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Description and Features

My website which showcases my software engineering portfolio, works and serves as the primary platform where I publish my articles. The website is also where I provide information, links, documentation and guide videos to software I develop and own. Users can register and have accounts on my website which they can use to manage their accounts on applications I own.

Technologies Used
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Django
  • Django REST Framework
  • PostgreSQL
Tools and Frameworks
  • VS Code
  • Bootstrap
  • Git

Documentation and Diagrams

You'll have to download this.

Live Application
Link to My Website
ⓘ Please note: If this is company software (not company website), and the link above is available, you usually may only access the login page. (If you would like to appraise a locally running demo, contact me here.)
Source Code

Other Works