MTN Gantt Charts

MTN Gantt Charts

Type: Organisational, Visualisation
For: MTN Nigeria
My Role: Sole Developer
Status: Active

View on a PC or wider screen to see explanations of each screenshot displayed on the carousel.

Description and Features

MTN Gantt Charts is a branded application developed to aid staff in project management, via visualisation and using a Gantt Chart in MTN Nigeria.


  • Project and activities details entry, including project and activities names, start and end dates, status, personnel and comments.

  • Gantt chart generation with Gantt bars, date axis and activities axis.

  • Coloured bars based on completion status of represented activities.

  • Import and export of chart data in CSV files

  • View activities details in a hovering boxes on Gantt bars.

  • In-app guide

Technologies Used
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • None
  • None
Tools and Frameworks
  • VS Code

Documentation and Diagrams

You'll have to download this.

Live Application

Source Code

Other Works